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James Norbert Ivanyi has carved a name for himself as a fiercely independent, wonderfully brave guitarist who takes the sounds of 60s and 70s psychedelic rock and adds his own modern spin. The Sydney based prog machine has toured with the likes of I Built The Sky, Haken and joined forces for live events with Nili Brosh, Yvette Young, Angel Vivaldi and many more similarly talented players. In ... addition James has been able to tour successfully as a solo artist, backed up by independently published releases such as “The Matter Circumvention” and “Omen Faustum”. His JTC debut shows just a snapshot of his abilities as a player and is a must have for those unafraid to try new things. Read More


Artist - James Norbert Ivanyi thumbnail
Number of Releases: 2
Top Genres: Metal, Fusion

Artist Releases

All of James Norbert Ivanyi's releases in one location.

Signature Progressive Phrases

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Enter James Norbert Ivanyi’s domain in a world full of wide vibrato, chromatics and 70s prog soundscapes. Ten signature phrases, specially created for his debut release at JTC.

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Price - £24.99

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